Title: Backstage Pairing: YeHaeWook Rating: R Summary: Things happen at Donghae's first job as a roadie for a world-famous rockstar and his #1 groupie.
Title: Hands All Over Pairings: YeWook, YeHae, YeMin, YeKyu Rating: NC-17 Summary: A series of drabbles centered around Yesung and his skilled hands. Disclaimer: Title taken from "Hands All Over" by Maroon 5
Title: Still Taste It [One-shot] Author: wookism Pairing: YeHyuk Rating: R Summary: Eunhyuk gets a taste of Yesung in a way he'd never expected. Disclaimer: Title taken from "Love Drunk” by Boys Like Girls
Title: When I See You Cry [Drabble] Author: wookism Pairing: EunHae Rating: PG Summary: Eunhyuk can't stand seeing Donghae cry. Disclaimer: Title taken from "Smile” by Lily Allen
Title: Tendency of Getting Very Physical [One-shot] Author: wookism Pairings: TeukChul Rating: R Summary: Leeteuk and Heechul have a tryst in the dressing room after a concert. Inspired by this picture from SM Town Shanghai. Disclaimer: Title taken from "Harder to Breathe” by Maroon 5